Size: 32" H x 12" W x 12"H
When you’re preparing to travel for your military operations, you need a bag you can trust to transport your gear and equipment to your destination. The Olive Drab Improved Transport Duffle Bag is capable of hauling your essentials, whether you’re deploying, gearing up for a mission, or preparing for a training exercise. Discover the potential of the Improve Transport Duffle Bag during your next operation with benefits like:
When you’re engaged in military operations, you need your gear and equipment to help you complete your important work. The Improved Transport Duffle Bag can help you haul the essentials you need to succeed in your applications, no matter where the military takes you. Prepare for your operations in peace knowing the Improved Transport Duffle Bag offers an extra layer of protection for your gear and equipment, allowing you to focus on the important work you’re doing. Feel more confident while traveling with your gear with the Improved Transport Duffle Bag as your trusted companion.
Once the Improved Transport Duffle Bag gets you to your destination, you need a bag to carry your mission essentials. Consider the OD Three-Day Assault Pack by Condor. You’ll have plenty of space for your essentials, and you can customize your loadout and attachments using the heavy-duty MOLLE webbing. Stride confidently into your next operation with the Three-Day Assault Pack by your side.