Managing Stress in Your Military Career

Managing Stress in Your Military Career

Posted by MLC Secret Squirrel Blog Writer on May 27th 2020

Stress isn’t always a bad thing. In small increments, stress can provide motivation to perform, adopt healthy coping skills, and change harmful behaviors. However, long-term, severe stress can have a negative impact on a person’s body and mind. Service member’s performance can also be impacted by stress, causing problems in their career and with their command.

While stress is an inevitable part of the military and of life, you can learn how to manage these feelings so you can better take care of your body without sacrificing your career.

Why Can the Military Be Stressful?

Just like any job, a military career can be stressful. Service members are often exposed to plenty of stressors as part of their training and work. High-intensity environments, long work hours, deployments, combat missions, and other scenarios can cause troops to feel high levels of stress. When stress isn’t handled appropriately, people can experience different symptoms, such as:


●Muscle pains



●Anxiety or panic attacks

●Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

●Behavioral changes

Without the proper coping mechanisms, stress can go unchecked and wreak havoc on a person's life, including their career, relationships, and mental health.

6 Tips for Managing Your Stress

Despite the stress of the military lifestyle, there are ways to manage so you can lead a successful career. Use the tips below to manage your stress effectively to improve your overall well-being:

1. Stay in the Present

When you get stressed, it can be easy to let your thoughts race into the past and future. If you’re feeling stressed, focus on staying in the moment. If you notice that your thoughts are wandering into what was and what could be, try to pull yourself back into the present moment.

Remember that all hard times eventually pass. Whatever you’re going through will become a distant memory one day, and things will get better. Staying in the moment and being as positive as you can will help relieve some of the stress you’re feeling.

2. Use Healthy Coping Mechanisms

It’s common for some people to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with their stress, such as alcohol or substances. These coping mechanisms can cause more harm than they do good.

Instead, look for healthier ways to deal with your stress, which can include:


●Yoga or meditation

●Art therapy


●Playing games

●Spending time with friends and family

3. Schedule Personal Time

While military life is filled with busy schedules, it’s important to remember to take time for yourself. If you have to, plan your personal time in advance. Personal time can look different for everyone. Just spend time doing what you enjoy, whether that means watching your favorite show, playing video games, or going out with friends.

4. Seek Support From Your Community

The people of your community can offer you support and help ease your mind about a lot of your anxiety. Talk to others in your unit, friends, or family members, even if you just need to vent. Your community can give you advice and offer help where they can to take some of the stress off your shoulders.

5. Find the Relaxation Method That Works for You

The relaxation technique that works best for you might not work for someone else. Discover what makes you feel calm, whether that’s hanging out with loved ones, exercising, participating in hobbies, or spending time outdoors. Once you find a relaxation method you enjoy, use it as a way to destress after a long day or when your anxiety levels get too high.

6. Seek Professional Help

If you’re having trouble dealing with stress on your own, you can always seek counseling. Service members can access therapy and other services through their on-base provider. A professional can give you more concrete ways to work through your stress and address any underlying issues that could be contributing to your anxiety, such as mental health conditions or extreme personal stressors. You’ll also learn how to manage problems that are out of your control, making it easier to stay positive and in the moment.

Limit Your Stress With the Right Gear From Military Luggage Company

When stress is building up, even the smallest inconvenience can seem overwhelming. Which includes carrying a bag that fails to perform. While we can’t fix all of the stressors you’ll experience in your military career, Military Luggage Company can equip you with the gear you need to be successful without having to worry about having the wrong gear for the job.

We offer a wide selection of military luggage, ranging from duffle bags and assault packs to backpacks and rucksacks. Built to withstand the rigors of military service, you can trust our bags to help you facilitate a successful career. Browse our selection to get started, or contact us today to learn more!

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