When traveling light, or when you may need to move out in a hurry, it pays to keep all your essential items together, with a place for everything this multifunctional carry case also doubles as a fanny pack, or as the British would call it, a bum bag. We use the same heavy duty materials in the Response Pak as we do in our series of backpacks. The Response Pak has a multitude of hidden internal storage pockets. The Response Pak has quickly become a favorite among military members as a great little med bag, perfect for those vital items each soldier needs.
The Response Pak has a lot of storage in a small compact functional bag. You have webbing on the front and sides to attach other small pouches using either the MOLLE attachment system or the Alice Clip system.
Great for those needing a larger Medical / E&E bag then those smaller ones made to attach on a belt or pack. Much more room for needed supplies and even a bag of IV can fit inside.
The Response Pak has a waist strap that can also be stowed within itself for those who wish to you us it as a small bag or to attach to a larger back pack with MOLLE on it.