Good for identifying bags
I ordered some of these markers, they are perfect. I can always tell what's mine now
Standing around at baggage claim trying to tell your bag apart from the rest is annoying, but lost luggage is even worse. Make it easier to find and recover your luggage when you use the Digital Desert Luggage Marker. Take advantage of the full benefits and features of the Luggage Marker during your next trip, such as:
The Luggage Marker is an excellent way to mark a bag as yours, but it’s not much better than a fun camo ornament if you haven’t got a bag to pair it with. Consider using the Digital Desert Convertible Duffle and Backpack, which has an impressive 6,975 cubic inches of space inside for your belongings plus the necessary durability to withstand frequent travel. Once you’ve packed it with all your belongings, you can secure the Luggage Marker directly to the handles or straps and begin your travels.
I ordered some of these markers, they are perfect. I can always tell what's mine now
I have one of these on all my bags. It is a great way to ID your bag at baggage claim. You can write your name on the tag but that is about it.
Whether you wear DDU, ACU, BDU, etc there is a high quality luggage tag for your gear. I ordered 5 and can already see that I'm going to need more. I'm going to get a few to have on hand and to give out as gifts.