Great bag!!
I got this for my 3yo and he loves it!! It is the perfect size, durable and has the perfect design! I would recommend if you are looking at this bag don't think about it just order it because you wont be disappointed.
If you or someone in your family is serving in the Marines, you can make your little one feel like a part of the team with the small Digital Desert DEVIL PUP Backpack. Your child can carry the supplies they’ll need for the day, just like you would in a full-sized adult backpack. Discover the potential of the DEVIL PUP Backpack for your little one when you capitalize on features like:
If you want your little one to be equipped with even more cool gear, Military Luggage Company has you covered. We offer an impressive selection of kid's gear, which includes a wide range of backpacks, teddy bears, nap mats, and more. Pick from our high-quality selection to equip your child with a loadout they can call their own.
I got this for my 3yo and he loves it!! It is the perfect size, durable and has the perfect design! I would recommend if you are looking at this bag don't think about it just order it because you wont be disappointed.