If nightmares or monsters are plaguing your little one when they’re trying to go to sleep, try using the Coastie Sleeptight Bear.
Coastie Sleeptight Bear is prepared to ward off any nighttime enemies that come your child’s way, keeping them safe and secure until the morning. When you deploy Coastie Sleeptight, you’ll follow a four-step sleep system:
First, you’ll use the included door hanger to let all the nightmares and monsters know that your child’s room is under the protection of Coastie Sleeptight.
Next, you and your child will get together to read the sleeptight oath. Reading this oath will help your child feel more at ease knowing they have a protector by their side while they sleep.
With Coastie Sleeptight at his duty station, you can let your child head to bed feeling well-protected during the night from their nightmares and monsters.
Once your little warrior wakes up, you can award them with one of the five included Silver Slumber Stars so they can feel proud of their bravery for making it through the night. Coastie Sleeptight can easily become your child’s trusted nighttime companion, especially if one of their parents is in the Coast Guard and away from home frequently.
Once your little warrior wakes up, they’ll have things to do during the day that require them to carry different supplies, just like you do during your day. The good news is that we have you covered with our selection of kid's gear. Choose from a wide range of backpacks, wallets, nap mats, and more to help your child prepare for their day!