The Best Bags for Your Outdoor Operations and Adventures

The Best Bags for Your Outdoor Operations and Adventures

Posted by MLC Secret Squirrel Blog Writer on Jun 28th 2024

Whether you’re in the military, a tactical enthusiast, or an outdoor adventurer, spending time outdoors, you need to prepare for your unique applications. Part of that preparation involves collecting your gear and supplies and packing them inside a high-quality bag you can carry with you while you’re spending time outdoors. In this guide, we’ll talk about some of your bag options, what features to look out for, and how you can make the most of your space inside so your outdoor applications are more efficient.

Why It’s Important to Prepare for the Outdoors With the Right Bag

Regardless of why you’re spending a lot of time outdoors, it’s important to be prepared, especially if you’re traveling further from civilization. Spending time outdoors also means spending time in the elements, whether it’s sunny and warm or freezing cold and pouring rain. The conditions can also change on a dime, so what may have started off as a good day can quickly turn into a grueling experience if you’re not properly prepared.

And if you’re outdoors, odds are you’re doing some form of physical activity, which can dehydrate you and lead to low energy or conditions like heatstroke. Preparing for these different scenarios in advance can make it easier to handle any challenges you may encounter, and even if you don’t end up using some of the gear you bring, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Bag Options for Your Outdoor Applications

You have plenty of options when choosing a bag suitable for your outdoor applications, whether it’s a military operation or a personal adventure. Some of the different options you have include:

1. Assault Packs

Assault packs are uniquely designed for military and tactical applications, offering unique features to assist in different operations. Generally, assault packs are smaller than a standard backpack and are focused on a specific use case, but you can still find assault packs that can accommodate gear and supplies for up to 72 hours.

Assault packs make an excellent choice for outdoor operations since they’re built to last through some of the toughest conditions. With the proper handling, you can trust them to withstand some of your more challenging scenarios and environmental conditions.

2. Backpacks

Another option for your outdoor applications is a backpack, which you can find in a wide range of sizes with plenty of features. However, you don’t want to choose just any backpack. Some backpacks are designed for school, work, or as an EDC, but they aren’t suitable for the conditions you’ll encounter outdoors.

If you choose a backpack, you should look for something with the quality necessary to withstand the rigors of outdoor activities and operations. You should look for backpacks with strong materials like polyester or ripstop nylon to ensure they’re strong enough to last.

3. Rucksacks

Rucksacks are specifically designed to carry a lot of gear over long distances, typically for military operations, which generally makes them well-suited to outdoor operations. You can fit a wide range of supplies inside these bags so you can adequately prepare for your next adventure or operation, and you can trust the high-quality materials to hold up in some of your tougher applications.

4. Bugout Bags

You can always choose a bugout bag as your outdoor companion, which is known for its practicality in survival situations. Since these bags are built for emergencies, you can trust they’ll last in the great outdoors. Even if you’re not using a bugout bag for survival applications, they make excellent bags for your next outdoor operation or adventure.

5. Hydration Packs

Since you’re going to be spending time outside, you’ll want to focus on hydration. A great way to do that is to use a hydration pack, which allows you to carry a hydration bladder alongside the rest of your supplies. You can find some packs that accommodate bladders up to three liters of water, with two being the more common option. With two to three liters of water readily available, you won’t have to worry about staying hydrated on the go.

While some hydration packs are smaller and can’t fit a lot of extra supplies, you can find some that are around the same size as a backpack and designed to accommodate plenty of gear and equipment.

What to Look for in an Outdoor Bag

Once you know what type of bag you want to use, you should look for specific features to ensure it can meet the demands of your applications. Some of the most important features you should consider include:

Quality: One of the first things you should look for in an outdoor bag is quality. The better the construction materials, the longer it’s likely to last, which is especially important when you’re spending a lot of time outdoors. As you start looking, look for 400D or more for the fabric and nylon or polyester for the materials. You should also look at the quality of the construction, such as the stitching and zippers so you know the bag will last in tough conditions.

Size and storage: The size of the bag matters when you’re embarking into the great outdoors. You want something with enough space for all your supplies but not something so big that it weighs you down or becomes uncomfortable to carry. Consider how many things you need to bring with you to be successful and make a decision based on your storage needs.

Hydration: While it’s not always necessary, hydration compatibility can make a significant difference in the time you spend outdoors. Rather than having to carry a bulky water bottle with you everywhere that has to be constantly refilled, you can keep a hydration bladder inside your bag so you’re water is easily accessible and integrated into your storage.

Comfort: Another important factor to consider is the comfort level of the bag you’re choosing. If you’re spending time outdoors, odds are that you’re going to be carrying your bag for an extended period of time. You want the bag you’re wearing to be comfortable, even if you’re carrying a lot of gear, which means looking for bags with padded shoulder straps, sternum straps, and waist belts so they fit correctly on your body.

Versatility: You may have multiple outdoor operations or adventures coming up in the future, so you want to be sure the bag you’re using can handle most, if not all, of them. This means you need a bag with the right combination of features to meet the needs of various applications, whether you’re working or having fun in the great outdoors.

Must-Have Tactical Gear for Your Next Outdoor Operation or Adventure

Now that you have your bag, it’s time to find the gear you need to pack inside it. If you’re spending time outdoors as part of your work, then you’ll likely need to bring the gear you need for your work with you. However, you’ll still have room for other items that can make your work more efficient and streamlined.

If you’re a tactical enthusiast or adventurer, you’ll be responsible for packing your own bag with the supplies you need. Regardless of whether you’re in the military or just an outdoor enthusiast, there are a few items you should consider bringing with you and packing into your outdoor bag during each adventure. Check out these must-haves for your next outdoor excursion:

1. Survival Supplies

You never know what can happen when you’re spending time outdoors, especially if you’re far from civilization. Survival supplies should be one of the first things you add to your bag after your other gear for your specific applications, which includes things like:


●Fire starters

●Extra batteries

●Emergency blankets

●Compass and map

●Rations and extra water

You may want to include other items in your survival kit, but the above items should be included no matter where you’re going.

2. First-Aid

A first-aid kit is critical any time you’re spending time outdoors. You never know what kind of situations you may encounter, and you’ll want to treat injuries quickly to prevent infection, at least until you can seek professional medical attention. Your kit should include at least the basics, which include:

●Bandages and gauze

●Medical tape

●Antibiotic ointment

●Instant cold packs




●Hand sanitizer

You can also find trauma kits containing more medical equipment and supplies, which are ideal for long treks into the wilderness or military operations.

3. Protective Clothing

When you’re outdoors, you’re exposed to the elements, including extreme heat and cold, rain, wind, snow, and more. The clothing you wear will determine how capable you’ll be of withstanding these conditions, so it’s important to wear clothes designed specifically for harsh environments and protecting your body while you’re adventuring.

However, the weather can be unpredictable. A sunny day can suddenly turn into a downpour, even if the forecast predicted clear skies. To combat this, you can keep extra clothing inside your bag so you’re prepared when the weather changed on a dime. Keeping an extra jacket, rain gear, and other useful clothing items inside your bag will help you feel more prepared as you embark on your next journey into the great outdoors.

4. Food and Water

Apart from your emergency food and water supply, you’ll want to have some food on hand to refuel when you’re on the go, especially if you’re spending a lot of time outdoors. Having food and water on hand will allow you to maintain your energy without having to turn back and find food back in civilization.

Aim to bring enough water to last you the day, particularly if you might end up spending more time outside than originally planned. Water is crucial to prevent dehydration and keep you in good health when you’re being physically active. As far as food goes, you can bring something easy, like sandwiches, granola bars, trail mix, and any other food you could easily eat while continuing on in your adventure.

5. Tools

Tools can be valuable on your outdoor adventures, especially if you’re carrying gear that may need repairs. You can choose to carry individual tools, but you should consider carrying a multi-tool as these small devices can handle multiple tasks instead of just one or two.

If you’re carrying gear that needs specific tools, such as a firearm or military equipment, you may need to pack a few extra items, but you should always have a multi-tool with you for the simpler work.

6. Communication Devices

It’s important to have a line of communication when you’re out in the wilderness, and a cell phone will only have a signal for so long. If you’re going with a group, you should consider using walkie-talkies so you can stay in touch in case you get separated.

You should also consider bringing other forms of communication, such as a hand-cranked radio. These radios are ideal in survival scenarios or situations where your phone signal may be limited. You’ll be able to stay in touch with the outside world and receive updates that may be relevant to you and your applications.

Finally, you should consider bringing flares with you as a way to communicate when you need help. You never know when you might encounter an emergency when you’re spending time outdoors, so it’s better to be prepared than without when you’re far from civilization or a phone to call for help.

Look for Your Next Outdoor Bag of Pack Here at MLC

If you’re looking for a high-quality bag that checks off all the boxes for your next outdoor operation or adventure, Military Luggage Company has what you need. We offer a wide selection of bags, packs, and cases for outdoor use, including backpacks, bugout bags, assault packs, rucksacks, and more.

You can get started by shopping our entire selection here, where you’ll find a wide selection of bags in various camos and colors with unique features and benefits. You can also contact us with any of your questions! 

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