How to Prepare for a Ruck March

How to Prepare for a Ruck March

Posted by MLC Secret Squirrel Blog Writer on Oct 13th 2023

Ruck marches are a standard part of military service and can be more demanding than you expect. If you show up to the march unprepared, you should be ready for a grueling experience.

The good news is that you can take steps to prepare your body and your gear for a successful ruck march. Below, you’ll discover more about this military tradition, how to get your body in shape for the journey, and other tips to assist you while rucking.

What is a Ruck March?

If you’re not in the military or considering enlisting, you may be unfamiliar with ruck marches. In simple terms, rucking refers to walking specific distances with weight on your back. In the military, this weight is gear stored in a rucksack.

Service members participate in ruck marches to test their physical endurance and mental stability. These walks also prepare military personnel for combat missions or deployments, ensuring they stay in peak physical condition throughout their military career. Service members are often expected to walk over rough terrain carrying at least 45 pounds inside their rucksacks.

Why You Should Take Care of Your Body First Before Rucking

While exercising and training are good ways to prepare for a ruck march, it’s critical to care for your basic needs first. Any gains you make from working out can be limited without caring for your physical health. Focus on improving the following before you head out to your next ruck march:


You should always aim to get a full night’s rest when you can, given the demands of military life. Try to fall asleep at the same time every night when possible, and eliminate distractions or other things that could wake you up. If you can’t maintain a consistent sleep schedule, at least get plenty of sleep the night before your ruck.

Get better sleep by avoiding screens for a minimum of one hour before you go to bed. Blue light can make you feel more awake, and you might find yourself restless if you use your phone until you sleep. If you limit your screen time and still have trouble sleeping, you can try melatonin or other sleep aids. You can even make appointments with your on-based provider if you struggle to rest at night.


What you eat is just as important as how much sleep you get. However, managing your diet can be more challenging since every person is different and will need different nutrient levels and calorie intakes to be healthy. While there are general rules you can follow, such as limiting sugar, your nutritional needs can vary from one person to the next.

You can start by sticking to basic healthy eating habits until you nail down what’s best for you. Choose vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins for your daily diet. If you want to optimize your diet to your specific needs, you can speak with a nutritionist to create a diet plan. Once your body is adjusted to healthy food, you’ll feel more energized for your next ruck march.

The night before and the morning of your ruck march, eat meals comprised of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs digest more slowly compared to other foods so they’ll provide you with a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Some examples of complex carbs include:

●Whole grains


●Sweet potatoes




You should also consider adding protein to your meals since protein facilitates muscle repair and growth. After a long ruck march, your muscles will be fatigued and need all the help they can get to recover.


Finally, you’ll want to focus on hydration. Ruck marches are physically demanding, and you’ll lose plenty of fluids as you sweat. However, you shouldn’t wait until the night before your ruck march to start drinking water. Hydration is a daily, constant task, and you should drink enough water based on your body type, physical activity, lifestyle, and other factors. Consider carrying a hydration pack with you during your day so you can stay on top of your daily water intake goals.

How to Train for a Ruck March

Once you’ve cared for your overall well-being, you can start training for your ruck march. If you want to be as successful as possible on your next march, you’ll want to combine extra training with your regular PT. Follow these tips to help you prepare your body for a successful ruck:

  1. Start light: You don’t want to jump in with 60 pounds of weight when you start training. Instead, aim for 25 pounds or less and focus on technique first. Find a marching route that resembles the terrain you expect to encounter on your official ruck march.
  2. Gradually add weight: As you get used to lower weights, you can gradually add more so you’re body can adjust to the real thing. Once you feel ready, you can add your other gear, so your training closely resembles your real march.
  3. Rest when you need: While you won’t be able to rest during your official ruck march, you can take breaks during the beginning of your training as you need them. Push yourself, but don’t go so hard that you hurt yourself or experience severe fatigue. You’ll develop better endurance if you don’t completely drain yourself during each training session.
  4. Walk without stressing your muscles: You’ll want to be conscious of how you’re walking while training. Walk with a smooth gait and a good posture. If you’re walking uphill, let your thighs do the heavy lifting so you’re not putting too much pressure on your knees or ankles. While walking downhill, lean slightly back so you’re still level with the ground and balanced.

When you start training, aim for no “zero” days. If you start by setting high goals and don’t meet them, you can become discouraged, which is counterproductive to your training. Instead of setting high benchmarks, don’t attach any numbers to the early days of your training. Prioritizing showing up for a ruck rather than how much you want to achieve that day. Participating daily will create a habit, and you’ll naturally build up endurance and skill.

How to Prep Your Gear

At least several weeks before your official ruck march, take inventory of all the gear you’ll need and inspect it. Look for parts that may be ripped, broken, or otherwise damaged. If you notice that some of your gear is in poor condition, consider repairing or replacing it so you don’t ruck with inadequate equipment.

It can be challenging to get your equipment replaced quickly, so you may look into repairing it yourself with a sewing kit. If you need a new rucksack, you can check out the impressive collection from Military Luggage Company.

There are a few things to consider when you’re collecting and preparing your gear, including:

Breaking in boots: If you have a new pair of boots, you’ll want to break them in before your ruck march, or you could risk developing painful blisters. Start walking in your new boots at least two weeks before your upcoming ruck, wearing them daily. Consider inserts if you need some extra cushion while you walk.

Distributing weight: If you pack your rucksack incorrectly, you could wear yourself out sooner than expected and cause some serious harm to your body. You should pack your rucksack by placing items of average weight at the bottom, centering the heaviest gear, and putting lightweight items at the top. Packing this way keeps you balanced and puts the least pressure on your back and shoulders.

Packing extra items: You’ll want to bring some extra items that aren’t on your official packing list. For example, bring lightweight, nutrient-dense food to help you maintain your energy, such as peanut butter or trail mix. You should also consider bringing things like foot and rash care supplies, hygiene wipes, electrolyte powders, and extra water.

General Tips for Rucking

Now that you’ve prepared your body and rucksack, you’re almost ready to march. There are just a few more tips we recommended to help you achieve a successful ruck march:

1. Maintain a Good Posture

Even with a heavy ruck, you should do everything to keep a good posture. Stand upright, keep your shoulders back, and look forward. Remember to keep your core engaged as you walk. Rucking with a good posture will prevent muscle strain and fatigue. Plus, your natural posture will improve over time.

2. Make Short, Frequent Steps

If you usually take longer strides, you could be causing more damage to your joints and packs. The added weight from rucking can exacerbate this problem. While training, focus on taking short, frequent steps and landing on the center of your foot rather than the heel.

3. Pack a Hydration Bladder

Hydration during rucking can’t be understated. Walking long distances with heavy weight can quickly dehydrate you, so you must replenish your fluids constantly. Drinking water will also keep you more focused and energized for a long ruck march.

One of the easiest ways to keep up with your water intake is to pack a hydration bladder. You can also choose a hydration pack to attach to your rucksack using MOLLE webbing.

4. Walk, Don’t Run

You should never run with a rucksack on your back. Running with a lot of weight on your back can throw you off balance, make it harder to maintain a good posture, and cause an injury. While you’re training, keep a good walking pace, but don’t push your speed further than that, or you could be out of the march before it even begins.

5. Double Up on Socks

Once you reach the day of your ruck march, consider wearing an extra pair of socks. The first layer should be tight and thin, while the second layer should be thick. The extra pair can help prevent blisters and sores from walking long distances.

6. Upgrade Your Rucksack

Finally, think about investing in a new rucksack. If you’ve had the same rucksack since you’ve enlisted or yours is falling apart, it won’t serve you well on a long ruck march. The bag straps might be uncomfortable, or buckles and straps might snap while you’re walking.

Buying a new rucksack allows you to find something durable, functional, and comfortable. Look for a bag with plenty of padding, storage space, MOLLE webbing, and any other features you’ll want while on a ruck march.

Find Your New Rucksack Through Military Luggage Company

Preparing for an upcoming ruck march includes finding the right bag for the mission. Military Luggage Company stocks a wide selection of rucksacks with unique features and benefits. Whether you’re preparing for an upcoming march with your unit or enjoy rucking as a hobby, we’ve got you covered. Browse our selection today or contact us to learn more about how we can serve you.

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