Honoring Hidden Heroes Discusses Mental Health and Treatment Avenues

Honoring Hidden Heroes Discusses Mental Health and Treatment Avenues

Posted by MLC Secret Squirrel Blog Writer on May 31st 2023

In episode five of Honoring Hidden Heroes, we sit down with a military veteran and his wife to discuss mental health, veteran suicide, and treatment avenues.

Before we dive in, we would like to note that nothing in this week’s episode is meant to be medical or treatment advice, and some listeners may find some contents of this month’s podcast triggering.

In our discussion with our veteran guest, we learned about his history with suicide and how his wife played a vital role in his treatment and recovery. Through alternative medications, therapies, and veterans organizations, our veteran guest was able to improve his mental well-being and both he and his wife encourage other veterans and their loved ones to not be afraid to reach out for help.

At the end of this episode, we talk about the different resources available to our veterans in crisis, such as:

Take a listen to episode five of Honoring Hidden Heroes to learn about this couple’s journey, what worked for them, and the advice they offer to veterans and loved ones who are struggling.

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