The manufacturer calls this bag a "Portfolio Bag" - but we think a more appropriate name is a Document Transporter. It's simplicity allows it to perform it's job flawlessly. Pack it up with important documents and put it in your main bag to keep important papers secure and protected - or you can also use it stand alone for meetings close by and leave the large briefcase behind. It also makes a great bag for travel documents, passports, maps, etc. This bag is a hidden gem that you'll wonder how you lived without.
Whether you’re traveling with your important documents or you’re heading to work, you’ll need to keep your field and critical information protected. The ABU Military Document Transporter by Flying Circle is a must-have for every military professional, keeping your documents secured when you’re headed to important meetings, attending work events, or traveling. Unlock your professional potential and tackle your challenges head-on with these distinct benefits:
As a military professional, you know you need the right supplies to be successful. Military Luggage Company stocks a wide selection of admin accessories for professional use, including padfolios, binders, planners, and more. Come prepared to tackle your professional challenges with high-quality supplies from MLC.